The editor for the Video Narration tool is very similar to the dubbing editor. Once your project is created, this is what you will see:
Editing the Text ✍️
Once you have your script loaded into the editor, you can make the following changes:
Edit Text Directly: Click on each dialogue where the text appears. You can now make changes to the dialogue by typing directly into the editor. This is useful for fixing spelling mistakes, improving sentence structure, or ensuring the transcription matches the video content exactly.
Example: Change “gonna” to “going to.”
Add Dialogue: If you need to insert additional speech or correct a missing section, simply place the cursor where the new text should go, use the right click and choose "Add New".
Example: Adding a new line you think is missing from current script, such as “Welcome to the tutorial!” before or after existing text.
Delete Dialogue: To remove unnecessary dialogue or a mistake, click on the 3 dots on the top right corner of the dialogue and click on "Delete".
Merging or Splitting Dialogue ➕💬
Merging Dialogue: If two or more lines of dialogue are separate but should be together, you can combine them. Choose the first dialogue that you want to merge and look for the option like "Merge" in the menu on the 3 dots. This will merge the current dialogue with the next one.
Example: Before:
Line 1: "I love video editing."
Line 2: "It's so much fun."
After Merge:
Line 1: "I love video editing. It's so much fun."
Splitting Dialogue: To split a long piece of text into shorter sections, you can copy the section you want to use for a new dialogue and use the "Add new" option to add a new dialogue and copy the text there. This is particularly useful for improving readability or timing.
Line 1: "Editing transcripts is easy if you follow these steps."
After Split:
Line 1: "Editing transcripts is easy"
Line 2: "if you follow these steps."
Modifying Timestamps ⏱️
Timestamps link the script to the exact point in the video where the dialogue occurs.
Adjusting Existing Timestamps: Most editors will show timestamps next to the text. You can click on these timestamps and manually adjust them. Set the start and end times so they align with the correct moments in the video.
You can also easily modify the waveform by moving it, stretching it or make it shorter.
This may prove useful to match the narration exactly with that is going on in the video.
Add languages and create translations and narrations 🌐
Once your video is processed in the source language, you can easily add other languages for narration. Simply click on the + sign next to the original language on top to choose from a list of available languages, and the AI will narrate your video in the new language. This allows you to reach a wider audience! 🎧